HIV Vaccine Awareness Day resources compiled by Team TransLash.

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day is May 18, which impacts people of all backgrounds! While we’re still working towards finding a vaccine to eradicate the spread of HIV/AIDS, we have stories of survivors, constant research in progress towards effective vaccines, and organizations full of community willing to help us through. You can find some of those things below. If you haven’t already, explore our guide to National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day for even more resources.
Don’t forget to check in on yourself while reading!
Personal Essays, Articles, & Books
- After an HIV Diagnosis, He Found Strength in Pole Dancing [SLIDESHOW], POZ Magazine
- A Vaccine for My Shame, by Jonathan Cohen
- Forget Burial: HIV Kinship, Disability, and Queer/Trans Narratives of Care by Marty Fink
- History of Black Trans Women in the HIV/AIDS Narrative, African American AIDS History Project
- “I Matter Therefore I PrEP” to Prevent HIV Among Latinos and Black Americans, POZ Magazine
- Local transgender author’s memoir shines a light on community ‘relegated to the fringes’, Adele Uphaus
- ‘Luna Unleashed’ Takes a Superpowered Approach to HIV Prevention for Black Women, TheBody: The HIV/AIDS Resource
- Meet the Haitian activist fighting to make space for trans people, Erasing 76 Crimes
- My Black is Beautiful, Living Free of Stigma and Shame, by Tori Cooper
- Over The Top: My Story, By Jonathan Van Ness
- Trans in a time of HIV/AIDS, Transgender Studies Quarterly
- When I was Young, by Oriol R. Gutierrez Jr.
Research & Studies
- Avert, a UK-based charity that has been providing accurate and trusted information about HIV and sexual health worldwide for over 30 years, has a helpful research page on Transgender people HIV and AIDS where you can find out more about why transgender people are at risk of HIV, HIV prevention for transgender people and successful prevention programs, access to HIV testing and antiretroviral treatment, barriers to HIV treatment and the way forward.
- CDC: HIV Is an ‘Unacceptable Burden’ on 4 in 10 Transgender Women, Very Well Health
- Clinical trial brings an effective HIV vaccine a step closer, Medical News Today
- Educational Packet – Transgender People and HIV, AIDS Education & Training Center Program, New England
- HIV prevention and HIV care among transgender and gender diverse youth: design and implementation of a multisite mixed-methods study protocol in the U.S., Biomed Central
- Human Rights Campaign’s Transgender People and HIV: What We Know research brief
- Moderna to take mRNA flu and HIV vaccines into Phase 1 trial this year, Bio-pharmareporter.com
- What the Recent HIV Vaccine Research Findings Really Mean, Rolling Stone
- What’s Happening With New HIV Treatments? Three Big Areas to Watch, TheBody: The HIV/AIDS Resource
- Why are transgender people at higher risk of HIV?, Medical News Today
- The Four-decade Quest For An HIV Vaccine Yields New Hope, National Geographic
- The United Nations’ Implementing Comprehensive HIV and STI Programmes with Transgender People: Practical Guidance for Collaborative Interventions report walks us through community empowerment, stigma, discrimination, violence, human rights, services, service delivery approaches, and program management in a universal effort to expand on the well being of transgender people internationally.
- The World Health Organization’s briefing on HIV and Young Transgender People goes into different forms of high risk and vulnerability, legal policy and constraints, service coverage and barriers to access, and more
- American Academy of HIV Medicine’s Transgender resources page includes general, reproductive, legal, and support resources
- Delivering HIV Prevention and Care to Transgender People, National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center
- TargetHIV’s Transgender resources page includes guidelines and manuals, reports and best practices, webinars and trainings, and more
- The AIDS Action Committee has a variety of resources from PERY (Positive Educators Reaching Youth) educators that can go to schools and groups to extend outreach and education, limiting risk-taking behaviors and making healthier choices. They are based in Boston, Massachusetts and have offices in Cambridge and Lynn. Other great tools include:
- Understanding Your Options: For Pregnant Opioid Users and Their Allies
- Youth On Fire, a program of AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, is a drop-in center for homeless and street-involved youth, ages 14-24, located in Harvard Square, Cambridge
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a few helpful resources that can lead you to receiving professional help, including:
- A tool to find HIV prevention services near you
- HIV Risk Reduction Tool where you can calculate an approximate risk, and how to reduce it
- Self testing information page
- The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging’s database on HIV & Aging touches base on everything from state specific resources to documentaries, informational packets, and more.
- Transgender HIV Health Services Best Practices Guidelines made by the Director of the HIV Health Services of San Francisco and their Administrative Analyst, meant to help both patients and doctors through the necessary steps for inclusive health care.
Submit any useful trans/non-binary/intersex/two-spirit Lesbian Visibility Week resource links that we may have missed here.
[Image Description: A red background holds the text “HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, #WorldAIDSVaccineDay2021″ in white, with a grey ribbon in the bottom left corner, and the translash logo above center from the main text in grey as well.]
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