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The Anti-Trans Hate Machine

Our trans community is facing unprecedented levels of violence across the United States. The Anti-Trans Hate Machine is a multimedia project that takes us behind the curtain of the dark money, right-wing organizations, and extreme ideology behind the current anti-trans backlash. We uncover the disinformation, lies, and orchestrated political moves that seek to make the future darker for all of us.


The Anti-Trans Hate Machine

Episode 5

Capturing The New York Times

The Anti-Trans Hate Machine

Day by day, the attacks on trans kids grow louder, and more anti-trans bills keep moving through state legislatures. In the The Anti-Trans Hate Machine, we illuminate how the right wing has fueled these bills by generating a breathtaking and wide-ranging disinformation campaign.

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Orange, red, blue, and purple cover for “The Anti-Trans Hate Machine” podcast.

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Community-sourced publications of uncensored art, writing, and photography

Vol 6

The Anti-Trans Hate Machine

This special edition of TransLash Zine is a companion to our #AntiTransHateMachine campaign & the launch of Season 2 of our podcast series, The Anti-Trans Hate Machine: A Plot Against Equality.


“The truth is that an enormous network of political action groups, billionaires, and religious extremists have all come together to form an operation that most of us have never heard of. Their goal is to use trans rights as a way to push a larger, crueler vision of the country.”

Imara Jones

host of Anti-Trans Hate Machine


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