Access the IG Live replay of Imara Jones' acceptance speech and the panel discussion that followed.
The NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists honored TransLash Media with the Excellence in Podcasting Award for The Anti Trans Hate Machine: A Plot Against Equality on September 10, 2022, at the annual NLGJA National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Below is the transcript from the IG Live replay of Imara Jones’ acceptance speech and the panel discussion that followed.
The participants of the panel discussion were Imara Jones, founder and CEO of TransLash Media, Cathy Renna, moderator and Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force, Tracy E. Gilchrist, VP, Exec. Producer of Entertainment, Host @equalpride, Ina Fried, Chief Technology Correspondent for @Axios, Sonia Murphy, and Amir, representatives from GenderCool.
ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: Captions in English were added to the YouTube video on 9/15/22.
Imara Jones:
It is also the fact that this is the most important story of our time because the forces who are opposed to the Democratic vision of our country within Christian nationalism at its core have decided that this is the most important issue.
And so there’s no way that you can look at the events of January 6, there’s no way that you can look at the issues of the target, right, there’s no way that you can look at the issue of abortion, and not understand the centrality of trans people and trans rights and trans communities to those conversations. And that if you don’t understand my interactions in the story,
so the challenge for journalists is for us to widen our lens.
The challenge for journalists is to not think of trans people and trans communities as marginal as something that we get to at the end of a long list of letters, as something that we get to happen after a long list of other things that are important, but understanding that sometimes with LGBTQ we have to start with T.
And I think that it’s a challenge for many people, because of the natural bent that we all have as human beings, for living in a society, one that’s transphobic.
And secondly, the success of the 20 to 30 year campaign in which our Docu series died, I’m sorry, which our
podcasts series documents, the deliberate campaign to confuse, to disinform, to obscure.
And so a part of our job is journalist as a part of your job to do in newsrooms is to challenge the essential thinking that is [inaudible] about us, to challenge what you think is important about us and trans communities, to begin to challenge yourselves around your own fears and doubts and discomfort around us and who we are.
Because fundamentally there’s not a future without trans people.
there’s not a future worth [inaudible] about.
And the last thing I’ll say, before we get into the stories and how they are told, and how it impacts people is that, you know, as journalists, we’re taught a fallacy.
We are taught that the truth has two sides.
We are taught that balance and fairness is looking for another side of the story. When the fact of the matter is, sometimes this truth has three sides. Sometimes it has five sides. Sometimes it has nine sides. But sometimes the truth has no side. Sometimes the truth actually just is.
And so our challenge actually is to challenge in, when you cover trans communities, is to dis-abuse yourself of
trying to look for balance in a story. Because when it comes to fundamental human rights, when it comes to issues of life and death, when it comes to the fact that for four years running, we’ve had the most deadly years for trans people on record. And at the core of that is the murder of black trans women. There’s not actually another side to that truth.
It just is. And the challenge is to examine why that is.
And so I think that we have a lot of work to do.
And the reason why I started TransLash is because I realized that we had a lot of work to do and that the only people who could do it in the way that it used to be done are trans people.
So the last thing, the last challenge I’ll leave you with, [inaudible] challenges, is to think about, look around here.
Where are your trans reporters?
If you’re a publisher, where are your trans editors? And don’t point to style section [inaudible].
Don’t point to the fashion section, or the entertainment section.
Tell me where they are in the newsroom. Tell me where they are in the finance and business section. Tell me where they are and reporting on local government.
So we have a lot of work to do. And the time is way pass now because where we are in this country right now on trans
rights and on LGBTQ rights is in trouble.
And it’s because we are decade behind the people who wanted to construct the story. And today we’re going to use trans people as a wedge issue to further make political gains. And that’s why we see, you know, 6 anti-trans bills in 2019, and then 127 in 2021, and then 300 this year, with 13 states [inaudible] anti-trans laws. So this is an urgent issue. It is an issue which is vital to the future. It is an issue that’s vital for us to cover the truth and we take our jobs seriously as journalists. And so I want to thank all of you for coming here this morning, to hear these stories, to be a part of this conversation and think about ways that we can do better.
And to express my appreciation for the [inaudible] not only is not only for this, the award that we got also for this panel, and also pushing us all to do more, because the time is way past now.
I’m actually delighted to sit down and turn it over to Cathy, whose panel this is [inaudible] conversation.
Cathy Renna:
Good morning. My intro is so much shorter.
I can’t say better than that. My name is Cathy Renna and my pronouns are she/ehr. I am the Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force. And I am, I’m so thrilled. like, I’m just, I’m so excited for this conversation. And I’m excited for you to meet all of these amazing people. And hear more.
Just a little bit to start, when we conceptualized this panel, we wanted to talk about exactly what Imara spoke of, trans lives, trans stories, and trans truth. And trans facts. But you know, it wasn’t a T word. So [inaudible]
This is a time of tremendous challenge. We’ve, we’ve all known that. But I feel like it’s also a time of tremendous hope.
And a lot that [inaudible] on this stage [inaudible].
We see the data, we see that young people are, they’re coming out younger, you’re putting out more fluid. As my daughter [inaudible] is saying, I don’t want to check a box. I don’t want a box. She turns 17 next week, God help me.
And you know, we’re also growing up in a culture with some tremendous disparities, right? We see and we have as queer people, particularly trans and non binary people of all ages, more and more role models. Laverne Cox, Admiral Rachel Levine.
Right, right?
So, just so, so so many people, [inaudible]
up there is some of my people, so [inaudible] Jackson, Elliot Page, [inaudible]. If you don’t know these names, start Googling. Amy Schneider, who I met recently at US Open for Pride Day, and she was like, “Jeopardy is a sport”.
Jonathan Van Ness.
ALOK. Please, please, find ALOK on Instagram.
[inaudible] Rebecca [inaudible] whose mom is in the audience. [inaudible].
Jazz Jennings. [inaudible]
Angelica Ross, last but not least, because my girl is going to be, not “in Chicago”. I’ve been saying this all weekend. And people are like, she’s here?! And she’s going to be… Roxie Hart.
Starting next week!
It’s gonna be fun.
And on the other hand, we have the things that Imara talked about, unrelenting, escalating attacks, hundreds of pieces of legislation, anti trans violence that is just completely out of control. The trauma, the pain, the loss, someone said yesterday, Bethany actually talked about her research and how, after seeing an anti trans piece of media, that levels of depression and suicidality and trauma were raised by trans people. And we also have, as Imara talked about, about a very well funded opposition weaponized strategy.
And again, I don’t have to tell you this, last but not least is we have a massive amount of disinformation up there.
And the way to combat that is by telling stories. So I will not repeat exactly what I was gonna say, which is what Imara said, which is journalists need to cover trans issues differently. There is not two sides to trans and non binary people existing. This is the same.
[glitched video]
…other side, and other side, what? like, I want to have a child and get married. What’s the other side of that? Right? If you’re interested in being a bi racial couple, both [inaudible].
So with that, I bring you to select ordinary voices, some amazing stories of some incredible experts, which I’m so proud.
I’ll start all the way on the left and we can just go from there.
[inaudible] is with Equal Pride Media, is going to talk to us from the perspective of someone who are workings within queer media, which I feel like it’s really important, since it often leads mainstream media and on the cover of issues. Ina Fried doesn’t need an introduction in this room.
[inaudible] later because he said his husband is obsessed with you and is tired of hearing your name.
Amir is one of our [inaudible] champions.
He’s not the only one in the room. You’re gonna want to meet all the [inaudible] people in this room after. Next we have Sonia Murphy.
[inaudible] wonderful things, but is a totally badass lawyer.
[inaudible] You’ll learn it’s important to all this, [inaudible] is here. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna let Tracy start this off, I [inaudible] hands off Moderator. So I’m just gonna let you go.
Tell stories that we talked about before.
Tracy E. Gilchrist
I also moderating [inaudible] moderation myself.
Thank you for [inaudible], it’s a great honor to be on this [inaudible]. And just a little bit of perspective about who I am,
[inaudible] Pride, for the past few years, I was the editor in chief [inaudible] So we’re doing that work remotely,
from my tiny apartment in West LA. And
I first want to say, [inaudible] years ago, many years ago, now, we had an editor in chief who made the decision very distinct, that we would switch our reporting from this kind of updated LGBTQ+ media and focus more on trans issues than on anything else. And I think those things [inaudible].
[inaudible] you know, we need traffic, we’re gonna have to work harder. His name was [inaudible], and he was absolutely correct in that, and we got on board and thought, well,
Then, you know, I think the Advocate began to be a leader in the space, at least in terms of LGBTQ+
media space, trans specific media, we can, we’ve [inaudible] that. But, I think we’ve really started to do a great job. And, you know, I spoke with Cathy and really, what I would say is I am just kind of like why am I on this panel,
I’m a cisgender lesbian. And but it is important, because my experience has been to listen
to a lot of people. And the way that I learned is really listening and trying to amplify other people’s stories and hear how they want to be written about, how they want to be spoken about. And I think that’s worked out quite well. And it’s impacted me so far. As far as I know. So I would just say that to start off I’m going to stop talking and let someone else go.
Ina Fried:
14:40 (19:27 YT)
Yeah, you know, I think Imara reframed the issue incredibly well. And, you know, lives are at stake. It’s really, you know, to Imara’s [inaudible] it’s all of our lives, like trans people are at the forefront of an attack on all of our lives and
Community. But, it really is starting with trans people, it’s always starting with the most marginalized groups and starting with trans people of color, and it started a long time ago, if anyone who’s listening, the way Monica Roberts tried to warn us, she urged us to listen to the stories of Black trans women. She elevated those stories. Ahe provided us a wake up call that had we listened, we might not have had to go through some of what we’ve been through. I’ve been extraordinarily privileged to be one of the incredibly small number of people initially, thankfully, a growing number of trans people actually geting to tell and shape these stories, there aren’t enough. There aren’t trans people in newsrooms. But they’re here, there’s a lot of them, I met a bunch of them this morning, we had a trans and non-binary meetup. There’s people that want to tell their stories, and there’s far more people out there, it’s not as hard as people make it seem.
And also want to draw the contrast between what life has been like and what life has been, like more recently. I transitioned [inaudible] like in 2003 from like, a lot of people, you know, first go to a bunch of challenges. And then they had about 10 years where I basically just did my job and enjoyed it. And I got to be visibly and audibly trans, I get to go on the air and talk about my field of expertise, technology. And I love the fact that basically, all I did in my work world was do my thing. And to do it while trans, I felt that was enough, I was happy. It was great. And, you know, five or six years ago, it started being the case, that that wasn’t what was happening.
It wasn’t just, I’d have to do my thing. And that wasn’t really the only time I thought about being trans. I’m very proudly, openly trans. But it wasn’t the biggest thing of my life. And the reason was, it wasn’t under constant attack. It wasn’t a daily topic of conversation. And, you know, to the study that Bethany referenced, and can’t begin to describe, for those who haven’t experienced and again, we’re not the first. Lots of communities that have been marginalized in the [inaudible] for a long time, what it’s like to have your humanity up for debate every day, every day in the news. Trans people are being blamed for everything from climate change to the [inaudible], it’s exhausting.
These laws and bills have the direct and initial impact of keeping young people off sports teams, preventing people from health care, but they also have the added impact of telling all of us, we are less worthy. I have incredibly stable housing, a great job, a supportive community. And it’s exhausting and taking a toll on my mental health. And the toll that is taking on our collective mental health is immense. And that’s actually why I started this project, which we will talk about a little later, Letters 4 Trans Kids. As a journalist, I know, I can’t get into every political thing. I can’t take a stand on every bill. But the reason I started this social media effort was I also can’t let the next generation only hear these horrible messages. So I started this pretty simple thing. Drop a note to a video posted on any social media, [inaudible] , and to me, I couldn’t do more than that as a journalist; I couldn’t do less than that as a human being.
Amir 18:59
[inaudible] a little nervous. [inaudible] start with
kids and sports. I just, you know, want people to understand as someone who I [inaudible] plays soccer, I’m not a superhero.
I’m not any different than anyone else. You know, I’m just as bad and [inaudible]. I consider myself very average.
But the thing is, is that I’m in that perspective with being athletic,I’m, you know, I can’t jump any higher than, you know, I can jump higher than some people, others not so much. But even with being you know, a trans kid, you know, and people seeing me and you know, of course not knowing
But the thing is, I’m normal, I’m the normal, you know, like, this is the new normal, and [inaudible].
What is really “normal” ?
Like what is your “normal”? You know, everybody’s normal is different. You know, everybody is different. [inaudible] all of our beauty comes from within. And that’s the most beautiful part of us. Not from what’s outside, you know, [inaudible] picture and like them on Instagram. But who are you? Who are you inside?
What things are going on in your mind? What is your story? What do you want to tell the world? Because your story is important, just like everyone else on this planet, and the thing is, is that
there is a trans boy at home, sitting there wondering, you know, who am I, exactly?
Is there anybody out there like me?
I was that boy.
I have been that boy.
sitting there looking at myself in the mirror like, who are you?
And the thing is, it’s time to realize and understand.
You are a leader, you are strong, you are brave, you are worthy. And you deserve the love and support as any other person in this world.
So do you all.
Sonia Murphy:
21:45 (26:32 YT)
agree that that is the story, we are just living our everyday lives. And as Amir’s auntie, you [inaudible]. We’ve always been more talented.
people of color. We don’t have the privilege of not having to fight for our existence every single day.
It is exhausting. And then when you add the transphobia that is happening right now, it’s even more exhausting. But the story is we’re thriving. We’re living, we are redefining [inaudible]. We’re [inaudible], and we’re redefining normal. And we are living our lives. And my goal is that every trans kids to know that they can do whatever they want. They can be whoever they want to be. They can walk in their truth. They can be themselves. They are no limitations. There are no roadblocks. And that’s the story. I really would love to see all of you tell stories of trans kids just living [inaudible] and surviving
and having fun and enjoying their lives. Are there roadblocks? Absolutely. Do we get over them? Absolutely. I think the problem, one of the problems right now is the opposition is loud. They are loud. They are screaming. And it is not our nature to scream back. Right? That has not worked for us. It’s not worked in the Civil Rights Movement, and it just has not worked. Our nature is to be who we are, and to let you see us: living, surviving, thriving, being who we are. Get to know us. And you find commonalities. I think as Amir said, you know, we gotta get to the heart to heart of each other and not just looking at each other and making assumptions based on the
assumption [inaudible] what we look like.
Right, can we get beyond that? Can we get beyond sort of the surface and dig in and really get to know each other on a heart to heart level? Because I think what we’ll find is they’re more commonalities than differences, but we need you all to tell the story. We need you to tell the thriving happy, outgoing, successful stories and re-define.
Imara Jones:
24:06 (28:51 YT)
Okay, panel’s over.
[inaudible] say, I think for me, the only thing that I can offer is the
reality check
we are only 1 to 2% of the population.
[inaudible] rate is 1.4% and that’s from the Williams Institute.
So, really small number of people
population percentage wise.
So then you have to ask the question. So why are such a tiny group of people,
Such an incredible focus [inaudible]
because the numbers just don’t add up, you know, it doesn’t make any sense.
And I think that when you look at the issue is [inaudible] a year investigating that by, so go to Apple podcasts and it’s going to take
[inaudible] direct you there. And the reality is that those are
[inaudible] forces in this country
that in order for them to implement their vision of America,
that they have to get more people on their side.
And what they chosen to do is to exploit transphobia, which is [inaudible] existed in this country, which crosses all political boundaries, as a way to try to make political inroads, in order to keep safe houses and win
really important congressional races.
It is a
social issue…is a political strategy that’s dressed up as a social issue.
And there’s a fundamental understanding
that the smallness of the population makes it easier for trans people to prey upon.
makes it easier for trans people to be
to be mischaracterized. It makes it easier version of the stereotype, it’s makes it easier for shadow people to be framed as a danger, because they know that there are lots of people in this country, depending on what survey you look at two-thirds, to, 2 out of 3 to 9 out of 10 is good range. But there’s a big swath of Americans who don’t personally know a trans person. So it makes it really easy to do this.
And you can see the effort that they have put behind this in the number of bills. How do you think you get 300 bills, and 40 some odd states, in a three year period?
If that doesn’t scream organization to you, I
don’t know what does. I don’t know how you can’t look at that and see [inaudible] organized effort. If you don’t understand that
tactics, and the abortion rights movement which was just a test drive for the way that they tried to deal with a whole host of
populations that they don’t like.
Those same tactics are now just being turned on trans people.
You know, we’re starting to see, we’re starting to approach trans doctors, including my own, I’m sorry, to people who prefer but couldn’t get gender affirming care. And we had death threats at Boston Children’s Hospital, we had a major case facility in Texas close. We have a governor who’s decided to weaponize the entire
entire government apparatus and thousands of people [inaudible].
And so this is not an accident. And I can’t, it’s hard for me to underscore how organized this is, how focused it is, how serious they are, and how big the danger for everyone is, because what happens with every successive movement that’s designed to target the population that they learn from that and apply it to someone else. So as abortion rights was a test drive, that they’re now applying the same tactics on trans people, you’re dying to get a case up at the Supreme Court, because I’m pretty sure that given that the
[inaudible] on that, and then it’ll be time for something else.
So this is the thin end of the wedge.
And this is why I think it’s really important to again, as people whose job it is across the country to cover these issues to understand the growing danger, serious nature of this impact on people’s lives and the fact that what they’re experiencing is not accidental. And to do the job of exposing the people in your states or in your cities who are driving these bills. I guarantee you once you start to look to see they’re connected to a vast network that has nothing to do with the interest of your state but has interest in, large national interest and they’re trying to drive.
[inaudible] questions
Cathy Renna:
29:58 (34:44 in)
[inaudible] What Imara just said
really struck me. One of the most powerful things I think we’ve had a chance to do this year with the task force was partner with TransLash, an extraordinary project that highlighted the stories of the impact
of reproductive rights and justice challenges on the trans, non-binary community. So I know there was a panel yesterday about it, [inaudible]
We were like, after
Before, during… I’d like to talk about that intersectionality. Because I think that’s such an important thing, not just for journalists, but for our own community to understand, because we have conversations all the time with those in our community who don’t make those connections necessarily. And, you know, they immediately like, oh, no, marriage is in trouble. Okay.
That’s been in trouble for a long time, Welcome to the party.
I think that’s really something we need to talk about. So I’d love to hear from your perspectives, a little bit about where, where do you think journalists can play a role in helping people understand that within the community, and then the larger culture, understand how connect those dots better as several people have said.
Tracy E. Gilchrist:
31:14 (35:59 in)
first off, when Roe was overturned,
the conversation immediately went to my marriage, my marriage, my marriage, and I was on social media with my friends, and we
can [inaudible] hang on, there’s a lot of queer people who can be pregnant. [inaudible] be first. So let’s not prepare for the course. Yes, marriage community to deal with that. But can we please deal with the problem at hand, and how are we going to help these people first. So I think
the way that we need to handle a lot of this stuff is to think bigger than ourselves. We look at our own identities, and we’ll how’s that apply to me? Well, it’s affecting someone else to affect you, you know, eventually, as Imara just said, so I think that
one way as journalists that we can handle these issues is to get outside of ourselves. And we’re supposed to be balanced and fair. But we always bring a bias of what we want to write about what we care about that sort of thing and how we write about it. So the biggest challenge, I think, is to just get outside of ourselves, as I said before, listen to the stories that people are telling.
And I think sometimes it’s the tail [inaudible] wag the dog. And I think we’ve tried to do that at The Advocate, to, you know, certainly degrees of success, like I mentioned to our editor 10 years ago, so we’re going to cover trans issues more than anything else. And I think that we have to cover trans people of color more than anything else, we have [inaudible], we have to cover all the people who don’t get the coverage, we need to do that more than we cover the rest, in order for it all to coalesce. And at first that may seem uncomfortable, but after a while, it’s just the way to do it. And I think that’s a good way to start.
Ina Fried:
33:17 (38:01)
The next step, obviously agree with all that, I think the next step that we can do as journalists is spotting the through lines, it’s the same people, like one side of the shirt, the front of the shirt, says, you know, “Repeal Roe vs. Wade”, the back of the shirt says, you know, whatever, y [inaudible], and if they get those two things, you know, underneath that is contraception, it’s a whole bunch of things. But it’s not, again, it’s not just waiting till they come for the one you care about. It’s recognizing
and telling the story of a very coordinated movement. What Imara’s work shows us is, you know, what’s going on? Again, I think there’s so much complexity here. You know, again, you know, from our [inaudible] sometimes there’s nine angles you need to look at, and sometimes there’s one sometimes, you know, there’s just telling your story, and his soccer team and the fact that he contributes to a soccer team and every one of his soccer team benefits from having them. There’s so many good stories, you know, I’ve been a part of this organization for 20 years, and I feel like, you know, everyone should walk away from these conventions with some good story ideas. I mean, it’s, you know, if you’re looking to cover the issue of trans sports, yes, Lia Thomas is one important part of the story. If we have trans athletes, eventually one of them is going to win something.
Like the story of Fischer Wells, Fischer wells, they didn’t have the trans hockey team at her school. She wanted to play field hockey. So first she got her friends
together, and that wasn’t enough for a field hockey team. So then she went to the rest of the school, they have a field hockey team. Now, because of the law in Kentucky, the girl who started the field hockey team is the only girl in all of Kentucky that can play field hockey. That’s a story. You know, there are many stories out there and really not listening only to the rhetoric. And the other thing is, you know, again, our lives are politicized, but not framing it as the transgender issue, the transgender question. I can’t believe in 2022, we’re having this conversation. You can’t have a question about a group of people. There are political issues, and I’m not trying to [inaudible] them. But our very existence should not be treated as a political issue. It’s a human rights issue. And it’s so important how we frame these stories. There are so many opportunities to tell better stories and our award winners, there’s so many, so much good work being done. And I don’t want to, I don’t want to act like nobody’s doing a good job of telling our stories, because they are, but our political opponents are doing a better job. And push in your newsroom. I do this all the time. But we can all do this. If you’re writing about gender affirming health care, no story on that should exist without saying this is not a measure of a scientific question. The medical community is 100% that gender affirming care is appropriate. It saves lives. [inaudible]
Cathy Renna:
36:48 (41:34 YT_
Imara [inaudible] are perfect segue to talk about [inaudible].
Cathy Renna:
36:48 (41:34 YT_
Imara [inaudible] are perfect segue to talk about [inaudible].
Imara Jones:
Yeah, I mean, yes, as I just wanted to say that really important point that
on the issue of medical bills, right?
If you aren’t in a story,
and you’re looking for [inaudible] by another side, right? Your editor says you need to have this [inaudible]. And you’re like, No, I talked to this local doctor, and she’s got a children’s hospital. And she chooses these kids [inaudible].
But you know, I need to go talk to someone who opposes.
The only people that in the medical establishment, in quotes that you can who oppose transgender health care, is a pseudo-scientific group set up by the right wing. [inaudible]
So that means that if you have an opposing voice in your voice and your story, but what you are doing is actually promoting [inaudible] into pseudo-science that’s designed to undermine trans people. Because the American Medical Association, Immigrant Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Professional Association of Transgender Health, which is now issuing its eighth standard of care for trans people, [inaudible] four years all say that gender affirming care for you administered in the right way in the right time, it’s safe.
So the only people that you can find, this is what I mean by the fallacy of two sides, because the
only people that you can find are people who are who are sponsored and set up to disinform.
Ina Fried:
(YT: 43:23)
And we’re not, we’re just not doing a good enough job on the health story. Like, for example, if it gets framed as trans, gender affirming care, trans health is what’s making these irreversible changes to kids bodies. Puberty is what makes an irreversible change. [inaudible]
Puberty blockers should not be remotely controversial. All they do is what the right pretends to espouse, which is that they want which is to give kids more time. That’s what we’re talking about. In most cases, yes, older teens might make some other medical decisions. But that’s mostly not what we’re talking about. And the reason this is misunderstood, is because we’re all still not collectively doing our jobs well enough.
Imara Jones:
And so on this [inaudible] Cathy’s [inaudible]. One must [inaudible] the way that it parallels to abortion is the fact that by the time a trans kid has gotten health care,
they have had the sign off of their parents. They’ve had to sign off a therapist or a psychologist or psychiatrist or therapist or a psychiatrist, and a doctor perhaps more than once,
which means that by the time that’s happened, but the people who are responsible for the care of the child have all weighed in on the decision
And have come to a uniform agreement that this is the right way. Right? The way that that parallels with abortion is that you are deciding to get in the middle, and to place the government, in the doctor’s office, in the therapist’s office, at the kitchen table of these parents, that’s all you’re doing. You are intruding, you’re making the government intrude on what is essentially a private medical decision.
It is absolutely not different.
And, you know, I think that one of the things that we did in this film series and what our entire team did,
a whole separate team worked on
Trans Bodies, Trans Choices, which is done really well at lots
of film festivals this year is we decided to turn the camera on trans people to tell their stories around the importance of abortion in their lives, but [inaudible] that abortion is can be a part of gender affirming care, and the way in which abortion for trans people, when you hear the stories are undeniable, the links and the overlaps with the issue of abortion for everyone. And underscores that the people that you think that are marginal, that their stories are essential to understanding a larger issue like abortion. And so what we did was essentially find people who were willing to tell us their story. And we turned the camera on and we went to their homes, whether it be in Atlanta, or whether it be in Mexico or whether it be in Los Angeles.
[inaudible] Mexico, that’s a whole ‘nother thing.
And, you know, to [inaudible] those people tell their stories.
And those are stories that people don’t listen to. They don’t think they exist. They don’t think that matter. And one of the most important things that I thought was essential about the way in which we did Trans
Bodies, Trans Choices, that’s the name of the series, [inaudible] a whole bunch of other places, think this
is this is kind of our approach actually on the TransLash podcast, which is that,
you know, if I just sit up here, and I tell you a bunch of facts, it’s gonna go over your head, and you might be able to
deny a truth. If I told you that 2 million people are experiencing something, that sounds abstract, and it’s probably easy to dismiss it.
It is not easy to dismiss
a singular story. It’s not easy to dismiss the story that you
heard. And so we approached with this series was sparked for us to allow the truth of individuals to speak and be presented in a way, that it’s so powerful, that there’s no way to deny it. For instance, you can say that a person
Well, I don’t know if [inaudible] who experience severe trauma in a way that is unimaginable that they shouldn’t have the right to decide what they can do with their bodies after that event.
So I think that’s a really important way of storytelling approaching trans stories is to center the voices of trans people, and to allow them to, to run without interruption. Because what you’re going to get is something that’s really powerful.
Cathy Renna:
Yeah, if you haven’t seen those videos, please please find them. And it’s, again, a perfect segue to part of the conversation here. We’re talking about telling stories. So could you do talk a little bit about GenderCool, because they’re the [inaudible] of the organization, which, you know, full disclosure, fell in love, like two seconds after I met you all Gender Odyssey like a long time ago, but it really wasn’t very long ago.
And how it’s really creating change, you know, how it’s changing spaces, both in community, in the corporate world, but just talk a little bit about how the work that you’re doing is a shift in the way we do narrative, storytelling and how it’s changing.
Sonia Murphy:
You know, Amir, and I went through his transition.
Right, During COVID, we were, we are fortunate we were in DC, we have a supportive Children’s Hospital. Our story is not traumatic in that regard.
So I’m very, very, very grateful
for that, but what we did not have as what I call the tribe, right, I did not have another parent to call and say this, this is what’s happening. And for us that was, at least for me.
That was really, I won’t say traumatic but Amir lost his mom, my sister, a few years ago, and I do not have the opportunity to say to her, what would you do, I am going off of knowing her and knowing as a parent, what she would want me to do
for her child, but not having someone I can call, and just talk about, here’s what we’re doing. And this is what they’re saying, really praying about this and being throughful about this and wanting to do what is best.
And then he and I were very open throughout the whole process. Amir has always been very vocal about it, this is why the stories are so important, as we talked about, because I think it took him a long time to come around to the word transgender, although we always knew there was something, but there weren’t stories being told that he could identify with as [inaudible], right. So because of the lack of stories, it took a very long time for us to get around [inaudible] transgender and this is what it is able to do. But when we finally got there, and we began our transition, we didn’t have resources, you know, we were on, scouring the internet, etc. And we came across Gendercool on the Today show. And through Gendercool, we have our tribe. You know, I found a tribe of other parents who have been through the same transitional phrases. And Amir found a tribe of other youth who were going [inaudible] and were using their voices to impact change. That’s what they do. He was already on Tik Tok, you know, social media, telling stories…
You know, and ginger who provided a larger prep blog, it provided connection, and friendship, you know, an opportunity to get together and learn what, okay, what you’re doing is that, right? And that’s, that’s good that was useful here is not new to me. That’s what I do. And but this was different. And I needed to connect with other people who were like minded. I’m also advocating right using their voices to tell their story. And that’s what you’re looking for. If you don’t know someone who is trying and facet people don’t
reach out to us. I’m happy to connect you. That’s why general pool is here. We are happy to connect you and introduce you to show like this. And I’ll tell you my story. This there, you know, the percentages are small, which is why it’s funny, because you know, somebody’s gonna win. Yes, but you know, you might.
Charlotte, if you
get on a team, and somebody’s not sure.
But what I think we miss in that conversation, and I don’t want to dwell back on sports, what we missing that conversation is that we are that when we make that distinction. We are elevating somebody’s participation. Well, we’re elevating somebody’s winning, right? The goal to be a champion or a superstar over someone’s participation? Is it really more important? That’s what other kids it’s a shine, right? Or is more important than here?
Just to be honest, so it’s so much more important that someone be able to shine or be first you know, that it is because we have a participant. So these are the things and it’s a million of them in Africa.
But the region before we found that track, and we needed a try, if you don’t know someone, please come, please feel free to come talk to me after this panel. I’m happy to introduce you to a mirror the first trans person I met.
To connect you with gender cool, we want to redefine what we are offering through life just like everyone else. Right? What are stories the stories are important, because as you mentioned, if you have not been marginalized in some way and you feel like none of this matters to me the contrary, trust me when
they are coming for you next. So you can say I will if you want, you can but when you don’t wake up so late that they’re already on your roof, because they’re coming
you need
to know
I’m sorry, literally you, you can’t sit silent when you see something happening to someone else because they’re approaching next. Right? It’s important to you.
Ina Fried:
If you need another voice in your story college story, we have seen this story. It disgusts me as a child of grandparents who fled Germany from the Holocaust, that we are not, not 75 years removed from the Holocaust. And, you know, people read, you know, that Kneedler, quote, you know, first aid for the trade unionists, and I wasn’t
like, this is not hard to connect the blue lines, yes, during this people are at the center back. And again, we should point out against trans women of color, primarily, most most likely to be going violence, but this is an attack on bodily autonomy, period for all of us.
Cathy Renna:
I’m not gonna say, what’s next. America, can you talk a little bit about your experience? Because,
you know, it’s funny, I, I really, it just drives me bonkers when people say you are our future, like, how do you get these kids to do it more seriously?
To do and a lot more, and, and there’s a generation coming up. Right, that I hope that makes me more hopeful. Because they are, you know, they are not as interested in just, you know, start like me, right? They’re more fluid, they’re more open and running in a different culture than some of us in this room. But can you talk about what that’s like, because I’ve been at panels with all with, you know, half a dozen gender champions. And they’ll say things like being sex is like, the third most interesting thing about
entropy talk about that.
So the thing is that you shouldn’t start with, she said, My
high school going into high school. I was like, should I make it private? Or should I?
That’s my big question. I thought about it for a week. I was like, No, I’m going to keep an open both
cases, if you would like to know anything about me, I’m here. I’m somebody who you talk to, you know, I can be there and we can talk, you know, if you want to come to me privately, one on one, because you’re going through something. I’m here. You know, that’s how I am of course, you know, there was struggles there were people who said things, but things, it’s okay. People are going to say things. Who are people who have been on stasis, say things or people that they don’t judge, they don’t really hit you I like
talking about the thing is, it’s just and that’s fine. You know, the thing is, is that you’re saying that because you just don’t understand. So let me help you understand that meaning.
Right, being trans you know, it’s just an evil just we’re
just for who I am and I was just the label, but really truly wrong.
You are sending the wrong thing. Thank you is that people will start to understand that the more we put stories out there more no other high school or elementary everybody starts to see more stories about people who are like them or people who are around them. You know, people meet you every day on trains, you know? And people meet people
your teacher your best friend, you know,
your barista at Starbucks you
never know so i think is that being a high school is difficult
sometimes going through a struggle and going to something so simple can be so worth it
just change one heart one mind and so that’s what’s worked for me
Imara Jones:
54:20 (59:04 YT)
I told you when I first finished like 40 minutes ago the independent
panels over I mean, I think that they’re just to them that I raise
you know, one of the things that make that kind of can drive me crazy is that people believe that because we have people like a beer that that’s also have to do your job
that somehow that you have people who are powerful and who are gonna log in for fighting for their you know who they are and and articulated and more amazing that
I’m adults don’t happen to our job of creating the space so that people like Aamir can live and thrive. Because you shouldn’t have to be on this panel today.
And you shouldn’t have to be in the White House.
Or you shouldn’t have been talking to any of us that maybe we shouldn’t read into.
And there is a there is a there’s a laziness, that makes me crazy. When people say, Oh, well, there’s a new generation tablet, it’ll just get better. And if that’s just the way, whatever happens in history, just because people put their feet out, right, a
reason for it.
Absolutely nothing, you know, and the reason why there there’s a movement to not teach history is to not be able to say these things. Understand that that’s a way to build an alternative future. And so if you think that because, you know, we have a different generation with a different perspective, that it’s natural to change, and naturally be better, you really haven’t read American history.
And you don’t really know where your world
is in that.
And the second thing I wanted to say, because it just makes me it, I hear it all the time, and it drives me nuts. Because kids get to be kids, right, and adults will jump up job with the dogs is to create a world where kids can thrive.
The second thing is that, you know, just to sort of go back to where I started, kind of alluded to it, as I like what I said at the beginning that like the forces of Januarius thinks they’re also the people who are tied into the anti trans movement. I wasn’t, I wasn’t just saying that as far away like hyperbole, I was talking about me and logically, I mean, there are connections between the Oathkeepers and anti trans individuals and organizations and leaders, there are connections between the proud boys, but one of the leading state legislators in Arizona, who is leading the charge there, it’s true
that there are people who are in pathway through a deeply connected to and trans and then largely anti LGBTQ, Moonves by the provide security for anti trans people when they show up with different rallies, or are going to protest. So when I say that this movement is deeply tied together, so I’m not joking. So you can’t you don’t understand the way that this is a part of the story. And I don’t know what to tell you. And I first kind of understood that. When actually, as a part of the series, I spoke to mark Bach, who is the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, it was trying to take groups aside as such. I said, Well, what do you got mores? You what is the area of hate and hate groups and potential hate violence that America that you’re most worried about? That she said, is growing convergence between traditional white nationalist, militant groups, and they’re growing focus on on what they call gender ideology and gender identity issues, when you’re at that organization battles, and that’s the thing that keeps arriving.
So I just want to underscore the seriousness of the moment and the weight of where we are and the importance of covering these issues. Because if we don’t do our job, people like us not going to have the future that we all can see. And you should have.
Cathy Renna:
So we’re gonna go into questions. Your question,
Jackie has
just been definitely
very much.
Your numbers are small in this world, but your career is sharp sort of subject matter.
I’m curious couple of things.
Do you think you owe the far right, a debt of gratitude because they brought this house image to the public, they dropped the battle line or this trans friends of mine are very concerned.
When in 2016, as as the very conservative movement that began to take hold in this country, and they were afraid of acres a month ago, a organization that does journalism across the board will
leave them behind. And I’m curious to get your sense of where do you think the 30,000 foot level? Where do you see this find out? It’s out in the open. And and across the board, not just journalism and media, but across the board? What are the shoring up, because now it’s been flagged, that’s very, very rare.
Imara Jones:
So rare for me to have requests.
I mean, I just had as a panelist, I should start by saying thank you for the question.
Please watch the social media feed.
Imara Jones:
I guess the only thing that I would say to this particular question is that
with all due respect, the only way that you can ask that question is because your life’s not at risk.
I don’t think that we owe people
who wish to do everyone in this room harm.
wish to implement
biological segregation and hierarchy in this country if they had a metal separator power? Who people who showed that amendment at that at a minutes notice that they are willing to kill people and overthrow the government of the United States or overthrow the people. The only thing that we always have is
I, I do not believe that we owe them. I do not believe that we owe them that I can understand from an intellectual standpoint, why you would ask that because, oh, issues are prominent. But
right now, we have political refugees in the United States, because of the far right against trans people. There are transparence, who woke up last night wondering where they’re going to move because they can’t find spaces. And there are networks of transparents underground across the country, we’re talking about other transparents, about places that they can go and how they should get there. And so I don’t understand that if you really understand what’s going on how you can say that we owe the debt, the debt and write off that debt of gratitude for highlighting their issues, when all they’re doing is actually pretty good.
Ina Fried:
Obviously Imara said it incredibly well. I think what’s missing is basically, there are two options, or channels of kids and trans people in this country. And both are happening. And it’s a question of which happens more? Do we get more kids like we’re getting to live their life? Or do we get bored kids taking their lives, and they’re being incredibly bored, that we’re gonna be at the workplace taking their lives. And, you know, as Mark said, there are parents moving across the country, there’s a brave, courageous girl how shackling spent
testifying before the Texas Legislature time again, to be your word. She spent her entire childhood testifying about why she deserves a childhood. And number three, her state. And even more than these kids that are in loving families, there are parents that don’t know any better, because they don’t know what it is. Some of them are making the right choice and allowing the viewers of the world to be their best selves. And some of them are hearing this right wing aid, and choosing not to have another kid.
But I think parents and so that’s what’s at stake. And that’s the challenge. And we should know this, again, like for everyone in this room knew what it was like to come out as gay and have parents who didn’t understand the same thing. It’s not again, these are crazy scenarios we’ve never had to deal with before. And you know, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The reason you see such passion out of trans adults is because we weren’t transparent. And when you say when you ask the question again, I don’t think it came from a bad place. But I have this opportunity to just do my job to just be myself for 10 years and it was amazing. And I what I do, I feel blessed to have an opportunity to use my voice but I wish I had
I have to, I wish I could just go back to doing my journalism back because I don’t love being trans. But I shouldn’t have to fight. I shouldn’t have to fight for a right to be a kid, my kid who’s in fourth grade shouldn’t have more privilege than a trans kid in fourth grade, to play US Soccer, those things shouldn’t be discussions and their discussions because their feet in this country. And there’s also a broader discussion about it, because we aren’t doing a good enough job as journalists of breaking this issue in the proper historical context.
Cathy Renna:
For context, right, I mean, as, as a personal as someone’s been doing this for 30 years, or on all kinds of issues, there’s always there’s backlash and visibility.
But, you know, even if people say things along the lines of
that is my, you know,
ruffle a few feathers definitely has her feathers on today, but ruffle a few feathers.
The AIDS pandemic, is what created the gay movement and broad lesbians and gay men together,
that silver lining, we lost generations to be consistent. You know,
visibility, is what makes
people understand where they can go, when they want a dash back, if this is what I’ve been doing my career, and the challenge that and the reason why I did this is because our community, including our community, journalists, we need to step up. Because know the history, we create an entire organization, because some folks wanted to leave trans people behind the legislation because it would be easier to pass it. And you can talk pragmatism all day long. But it’s about people. It’s about lives. And we’re having the same conversation now.
And I think those that that’s a very important question and a really important perspective, and the pushback and the challenge, and the passion that you’re hearing from everybody is for a reason. So, you know, while it might be a little hard, these are the hard conversations we need to have, you know, to really figure out ways to do better and be more.
Tracy E. Gilchrist:
Wanting to add to that, and everyone’s passionate about this, I get the kind of instinct that oh, the far right.
The open that reason, like a great story, but I think we have to do as journalists, and
more than journalists, I think, firstly, to be allies, we have to absolutely support our trans and non binary folks in ways that we haven’t before. And we have to say, well, is that a good story? Or is that just you know, are we just looking for people to come in and add and add realism? Or is that going to help anybody? So I think that you have to look at those things as well. Sounds pretty good story, but that’s going to harm people. And we have a look at our ally ship.
More than we have to look at this story. Misery means, I don’t know. Probably some joyful certified transcript. So
anyway, I just wanted to add that
1:08:41 (1:08:46)
morning, everyone, my name is Sir Lex Kennedy, my pronouns are they serve renewal greetings from Los Angeles. KCTV.
Thanks for this title, because I was like, Ooh, insurance to buy had many
questions answered at this conference. That was sufficient. I felt like coming to this panel, I would get 14 and I appreciate it. So I want to say thank you for my friends, families. Amir brought up tick tock, and I’d love to kind of when you said tick that so Oh, yeah, these are people
just love the space and the connection that tick tock provides. And I just want to offer like a new space as journalists, as people in broadcast, if you’re looking for a great story, and remember like yeah, go to Google, like go to tick tock first. Like
folks are telling their stories better to get directly from the stores. And I found she able to show us something I like to say let me
underscore it up here.
Very easy. And the thing is, you’re right. The thing is tick tock has been such an outlet for me to know people my age
And you’d be older than me, you know, younger, everybody’s wanting everybody, you know. So the thing is, it gives me somewhere to go where I can tell people, hey, right, this is what’s going on in my life. This is my story. What’s What’s your story? What do you want to know? What do you need? You know, do you need any resources or, you know, certain things or binders or anything? So, you know, the thing is, I’ve given many people the link to a binder, like I’ve never been over 10 people that link to a binder, the binder
that I think is it goes great to help out other people. And to know that I can do that sets off and through the internet is just great. Because years ago, tick tock was not a date, internet thing, so did not return to help other people was way harder. And I’m glad I can do that now. And at my age, I can be that outlook for certainty. Because once upon a time I never had. So I’m glad I can open that up to seven zero 16 year old survivors, Tina Rhodes, you know, Bernie rose, anyone, anyone who needs an outlet. And that’s why I’m happy to share my story with all of this my story names.
Imara Jones:
I feel like my job today is to be the behind every sign.
But what I want to say is that like, the flip side is that tick tock has also become one of the most prominent purveyors of Trent anti trans disinformation over the last year, because I figured out that it was a place where people I can hear and now is the exact opposite. And we had lives with tick tock, for example, the extremely rare that the anti cheat has been extremely popular. And now tick tock is playing Whack a Mole with a series of places. And so this is what I mean, there’s not nothing is nothing is going to happen without these oppositional forces at play. So even a place by tech time, even a place where you can really hide a lot of positive. So many different types of trans stories is also one of the largest purveyors of chance, disinformation, now, for young people over the past year.
I’m Tara Campbell with ABC
Agency, She reversed.
I believe it’s our job in the media to elevate your client to national stage. That’s nobody else at yours. But we need to work with you. My question for you is what is missing right now? It’s a it’s a pretty simple, direct question. But what is the story? When you wake up and you search through whatever media outlet you look at? What’s missing?
Imara Jones:
This I can answer really quickly, I think that
the stories of trans people crying
there’s not there’s not an area of life in America, where there are non trans people, specifically trans people of color that aren’t innovating creating new, efficient. So for example, you know,
the first trans Historic District in the world is in San Francisco
visit she just had a visit I think maxima of the Netherlands, there’s so many innovative programs and the Dutch interest in historic preservation. So that’s just one example. And there are so many so I think the stories of chance people across the board thriving with a belief in the future, because that’s also one of the things that helps them realize us and will help to decrease the violence and marginalization.
And why they’re thriving on families and community. Life is a privilege like there are a lot of people that I can actually help people understand that it’s family support communities.
Hi, I’m H, pronouns they/them.
For a little background, as last year, I started looking into how trans people
thought about transitioning, but another thing that
made it so that they were afraid to transition in the first place and I found someone who’s at Kansas, transitioning from the transition to AG. She considers yourself both
It’s a show and says like, I’m so great they do twice.
I don’t see trans media reporting on D transitioners, who are grateful for their trans care. And I think it is an area where the only scene, which could be, like not reading the great sites or news sources, but it is an issue that seems to be only talked about on the brain. And it’s like, Oh, if we talk about the transitioners, or multi transitional transitioning, we will, like jeopardize trans care. And I’m curious about the role of trans media in talking about D transitioning.
Imara Jones:
So really quickly, one of the things that’s happening is, so the word that we went
out today was for the first season of the efficacy machine, the second season is coming out, yes, you’re actually talking about the transition phase. And
then one of the things that I haven’t just made to get into, I would say the
string is rare, extremely rare.
And most people who do transition do so for a variety of reasons. And transitioning is a really weird word. Because, you know, trans people may decide to go on and off hormones for a variety of reasons, right, or may decide to change the way they dress for provided reasons that don’t have anything to do with not wanting to be trends. I mean, gender identity is fighting. And so people are looking at what’s the best expression for themselves and trying to figure that out. But that’s just extremely, it’s extremely rare. And the reason why you hear about transitioning on the right is because essentially, the idea of D transitioning, as you understand it is actually a right language.
And that’s why you haven’t been able to find those stories from another standpoint, because the way that we understand that writ large, is largely defined by writing as a part of this effort to this.
Ina Fried:
Yeah, everyone just had a couple things. The one thing is, if you’re gonna write about it, like, it’s critical for building it in context, first of all, we’re talking like 1%. And, you know, the, the rejection, the like, discomfort rate with breast augmentation for sis women is way higher than for anything like any medical procedure that has a 1% Regret rate, you’re talking to good medical procedure. But
there is this, there are stories that I’ve known people who transition and I know the people who got it, but again, look at the reasons I mean, by and large, it’s they don’t have a supportive family, they can’t get a job, they want to stay with a spouse, they want to have a connection to their kids. So I’m not saying never tell these stories, but wow, you we need to be careful when he tells us stories is I’ve learned he took me a long time, because for me, and for a lot of trans people I know detransitioning was often
led to even worse outcomes. I know a lot of people, including former ltj members that are not here after detransitioning. But I also have over the last few years, thankfully, you know, people, including him out to date members who do transitions to for the reasons that we talked about to maintain a connection to a spouse or kids and eventually found themselves. It’s a journey, like the whole point of transgressing gender boundaries is everyone should find their place. And if somebody
starts down the path and decides it’s not for them, and want them to be whoever their selves are, but really, we have to look at the reasons that again, you know, these words get thrown around and look at who’s using them and why.
Imara Jones:
And I think if you decide to cover it, I think it’s extremely tricky to cover it correctly. And I think that if you don’t get it 100%, right, you get to be a part of the spreading certification.
Okay, it’s, first of all, it’s rare. So you want to be magnified something that’s extremely rare, and he wouldn’t be providing all the context around it. And so I think that I think it’s a very tricky thing to report on and you have to be
Cathay Renna:
So far. Last question, and then we’ll wrap up.
Okay, I don’t really have a question. My name is Tammy Nash and I’m Dallas Voice manager for dallas fort.
Worth crab going on right now. Oh,
On password to the next thing
I know, I started working for Dallas Voice in 1988. And I’ve seen what’s happening in the backlash,
LGBT, lesbian gay people, we fought really hard for the idea of getting married and the quality that represented for us, what I saw is as soon as we got down, you guys started bearing the brunt of all of the hatred. So it takes a lot of guts for us to stand up and speak down. And we appreciate it. I mean,
in the last few years I’ve had to deal with or not deal with heavy cover murder in Malaysia, Booker, and I’ve seen what happened with that. Well, for me, I want to tell folks in this room’s terrible if you were white, and lesbian, or gay, and you think you’ve had a hard time you have it, and I get so much crap from some of the conservative gay folks in Texas
is unbelievable to me that we cannot
you know, that we that are gay people who see trans people as some sort of enemy.
I just want to say thank you, and, and I’m going to be contacting all of you for resources
Imara Jones
you know, from our from everything that we’ve been able to report and learn the fact that she saw that happen right afterwards was not an accident. There were right after gay marriage, there started to be coordination meetings with you know, the alphabet of private organizations and Research Council and, you know, the usual suspects, and they made an immediate push to begin to grow test, anti trans ideas and from that is why it will have gay marriage and right after that you have the bathroom real controversy in North Carolina, which was protested by ATF to see how the public would respond to attach this legislation. So even the pattern that you are describing is not an accident
on the money
Cathy Renna:
so I just want to thank LPGA for creating the space to have this conversation. I really appreciate it and I want to appreciate them and even more, this panel of amazing human beings who have you brought up some you know, some these are my conversations but yeah, I have a right and so I’m gonna give them a gigantic room
and for those of you who are in the newsrooms and all that great energy, we just had all of that applause and all of them how are they
speaking truths are currently incurred.
And go do this go tell their stories.
are very
few housekeeping things.
First of all,
get that phone back.
That is also my wallet.