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Trans Bodies, Trans Choices

I Didn’t Think I’d Make It

May 31, 2024

After an accident with a partner, Stann (hey/hem/hez) tells the story of seeking an abortion in southern New Mexico. After receiving an abortion, Stann used that experience to argue the case for a hysterectomy as part of their quest for trans-affirming care.

As abortion rights hang in the balance, TransLash Media, in coalition with our partners, is spotlighting the reproductive justice needs of transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming people through Trans Bodies, Trans Choices: a video series which gives voice to those often left out and left behind in the current conversation. Reproductive justice has been critical, even life saving for our community. That’s why we are focusing on these trans stories throughout this Trans Month of Visibility: to center trans people and bring our community out of the shadows on this important topic.

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