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Our Legislation Dashboard

Trans people face the threat of violence every day. That threat can take many forms; one constant source of danger is the unprecedented flow of anti-trans legislation in the United States. This tool – using data from  Trans Legislation Tracker, an independent research organization tracking anti-trans legislation – breaks down the data by state, subject, and current status.

# of Bills


So far in 2024, there are 672 anti-trans bills making their way through the American legislative bodies. Trans Legislation Tracker monitors this harmful legislation, bill by bill, so that our community can stay informed.

Anti-Trans Bills by Subject

Anti-Trans Bills by State

To see how many bills have been introduced in each state, move your cursor over the squares.
State Count
AK 7
AL 6
AZ 12
CA 1
CO 1
DE 2
FL 14
GA 14
HI 11
IA 35
ID 19
IL 8
IN 6
KS 17
KY 15
LA 4
MA 1
MD 3
MI 9
MN 20
MO 47
MS 26
NC 9
NE 5
NH 18
NJ 10
NM 2
NY 5
OH 14
OK 60
OR 3
PA 9
RI 5
SC 37
SD 3
TN 35
Congress 87
UT 11
VA 11
VT 1
WA 6
WI 17
WV 35
WY 11

2024 Anti-Trans Bills by Status

A bill’s status shows you how far along it is in the process of becoming a law.

Stay informed—and take action!

This tool provides an overview of the bills that are currently threatening the safety and well-being of our community. To dive deeper into the data and learn how you can push back against these threats to trans people, please visit Trans Legislation Tracker.

About Us

TransLash Media is an independent news organization that tells trans stories to save trans lives.

As anti-trans violence spreads through American culture and beyond, 
we push back on harmful narratives by centering the joy and dignity of
the trans community. As authoritarianism rises, our work combats disinformation and protects democracy. We’re guided by the strategy 
of our founder Imara Jones, a Black trans journalist who shared her personal story in communities across the country as a powerful antidote to ignorance and cultural erasure. Today, fueled by a team of journalists and media makers, TransLash has grown into a multi-platform, award-winning organization with deep credibility and impact in the trans community and beyond. Together, we’re imagining new futures for trans people—and bringing those futures to life.

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Whether you contribute once or on a monthly basis, at any level—we’re grateful for your support. Thanks for being a part of our community!



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