TransLash Media’s ‘Artistic Legacies’ series now available on Advocate Channel, Fire TV

By Daniela “Dani” Capistrano for TransLash Media

In celebration of Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) 2024, Equalpride has partnered with TransLash Media for the release of short film series “Artistic Legacies” on Advocate Channel and Fire TV. Watch on-demand today!

Artistic Legacies on Advocate Channel

Uplifting Black trans lives on TDOV is essential; according to HRC, over 60% of transgender people killed in 2023 were Black transgender women.

Additionally, Black trans women & Black trans femmes experience disproportionately higher rates of housing insecurity, police violence, and under/unemployment due to discrimination based in their perceived gender and race. 

TDOV is a time to demand more safety and resources for Black trans women and femmes while celebrating Black trans brilliance, creativity, and leadership.


A still from "Artistic Legacies: Iman's Story"

“Artistic Legacies: Iman’s Story”

“Artistic Legacies” is an unforgettable three-part series offers an intimate look into the lives of Black Trans Femmes in the Arts (BTFA) leaders and visionaries Iman Hill, Jordyn Jay, and Kimiyah Prescott, exploring their personal journeys of self-discovery, resilience, and artistic growth.

“[Our series] is a testament to the resilience and creativity of Black trans femmes, who are using art as a tool for self-expression and social change,” said Imara Jones, CEO and founder of TransLash Media. “Through storytelling, we aim to uplift and celebrate the voices of Black trans femmes, ensuring that their contributions are recognized and valued.”

Read Imara’s Voices article on

The Advocate Channel is the first streaming network devoted to covering the trending news stories of the day and inspiring the LGBTQ+ community and its allies through a lens of equality.

Watch “Artistic Legacies” on Advocate Channel and join the conversation on social media using #ArtisticLegacies. Be sure to tag us @translashmedia, TransLash Family! We’ll reshare on our socials.

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TransLash tells trans stories to save trans lives. As a trusted source for journalists, thought-leaders, movement activists, researchers, and those wanting to know about trans people, we produce narratives about and for the trans community—accurately and reliably. At a time when disinformation about trans people is being used to undermine democracy and human rights, TransLash Media serves as a beacon of hope through the voices that we share with the world.



TransLash tells trans stories to save trans lives. As a trusted source for journalists, thought-leaders, movement activists, researchers, and those wanting to know about trans people, we produce narratives about and for the trans community—accurately and reliably. At a time when disinformation about trans people is being used to undermine democracy and human rights, TransLash Media serves as a beacon of hope through the voices that we share with the world.


Coming Soon

The Glow UP

At TransLash, change is constant. We embrace our own process of collective transformation, and we honor every step of the journey. We’re getting ready to celebrate a pivotal point in our story, and we’re inviting you to be a part of it! 

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We’ve been working behind the scenes to launch a new brand for TransLash—one that honors our roots, reflects our growth, and leaves room for what’s to come. Over the next few months, you’ll notice fresh visuals and content as we bring our “glow up” to life across our digital channels. This summer, we’ll celebrate the culmination of that work: our brand new website! We’re building a new home for the journalism you love and trust, grounded in our deep commitment to the trans community.

We’re stepping into our own transition, and we want to share it with you. Join us!

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